Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Well after the first frost ...


  1. Well ~ I LOVE Lady Bugs, so that is my favorite pic! Happy WW to all! :)

  2. First of all, belated welcome to the world of blogging. I planned to write you a note a few days ago, got tangled up in my own feet, fell over in the goutweed, and plumb fergot. Your blog name is awesome fun...and your photography great. Hope you have as much fun blogging as you do tweeting and gardening.

  3. Nice pumpkin!

    Actually, I'm going to try that line down the pub tonight.

    "Hello darling, you've got a cracking pumpkin!"

  4. I love the light you have captured in your photos. They are just beautiful.

  5. Thanks for the kind words everyone! I've only got a humble little automatic everything point-and-shoot, but I'm glad you all enjoy what it has been able to produce so far!

    @Idiot Gardener: so did it work? And what did Mrs. IG think of it? ;)
