Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bok choy!

The bok choy that I started indoors way back at the end of March have gotten huge: each plant is more than a foot across, with some older leaves bigger than my face (the orange thing in the picture below is a marigold flower for scale).

The recent heat has caused the bok choy I had planned on eating to start to bolt.

As lovely as I find the flowers, I intend to eat these guys before they bloom.

So off with head one! Nothing fancy to hand but a big old bread knife. Now to figure out what to do with my bounty. Thinking of noodles and Chinese barbecue pork and bok choy for dinner ... for the rest of the week.

Mind you, I've got a whole other head on the front balcony still bolting away, plus a couple of other heads out back on top of that. I think this is what the call too much of a good thing.